My weekend

    Wednesday 22nd May 2024

Hello my name is Juwairiyyah and on sunday it was sparkle’s birthday .( my pet unicorn ).  So we celebrated. First we went to Howick beach  and the water was crystal clear and it was really pretty. We saw sea snails. We went on the bridge (Jeti )and we saw a beautiful view from below  and above . We saw a waterfall with flowers and pretty trees  and it was really really cool . We also saw really  pretty shells.  Then when we went back home me ,my mum and my little brother made dinner. We air fried chicken tender , nuggets , chips and  I cut lettuce and cucumber salad . It was yummy  . The next day we went outside on our deck after breakfast  and we played with the hula hoop and  we also played a game me and my little brother  made up called ,adventure time .  But I did get hit in the head.  


 Well Anyways that was my Weekend Bye !

should animals be kept in zoos

Did you know thousands of animals suffer from Zoochosis? Well, I’ll tell you all about it.I believe animals should not be kept in zoos.


Hello my name is Juwairiyyah and i’m gonna tell you why animals should not be kept in zoos.


 First is zroochosis .Zoochosis affects animals mental health, but what is Zoochosis?


If you have been to the zoo and saw animals doing this

  • Pacing
  • Bar biting
  • Bobbing 
  • Weaving
  • Swaying
  • Rocking 
  • Self mutilation
  • Over grooming
  • Regurgitating
  • reIngesting food

Well that means they  might have zoochosis. But some staff think they have behavioural issues but not true.zoochosis is developed in animals that are held  captive ( trapped). Just imagine you are having the best life  where all of a sudden  a person just came and trapped  you in a cage away from your family and then you became stressed and depressed just because you were held captive. Well that is what happens to thousands of species of animals every year.The most common animals that get zoochosis are elephants ,monkeys ,bears, cockatoos ,coyotes and orcas. So that is why I believe animals should not be kept in zoos.


                Anzac day facts


1.Anzac day is a day on 25 april .


2.countries  that were involved in anzac was australia .new zealand ,gallipoli,germany ,belgium, russia.


3.anzac day is remembered a memorial grave yard.


4.Anzac day commemorates people who fought for us.


5.Anzac day stands for australian new zealand army corps

6. World war one started because archduke franz ferdinand got assassinated

7.World one started in 1914.



J N my holiday

                       My holiday


Hello my name is Juwairiyyah and i’m gonna tell you about my holiday


It was Eid  and I got 289 dollars to spend. My grandma  came from Fiji  so she came with us.


First we went to Botany mall at 10.46am . I Went to lovisa and brought three things . a black choker .A pink choker that you have to tie and a pink rose headband . all those  things were twenty-six dollars .Usually it would be more expensive but everything was for sale.


We got hungry so we went to  charcoal chicken for lunch .


Yes you might think we were not in the store for long but we were there for one and  a half hours sooooooo……. Yeah


 I ordered a kids burger with a small fries and a pepsi but i couldn’t finish it so I had it for dinner and my mum,grandma and little brother ordered a three piece chicken meal. The meal has two wings and a drumstick.


After that we got ice cream . I had cappuccino, my mum had vanilla, my grandma also had vanilla and my little brother had chocolate.


 Then we went to dotti and I got a cute baby pink cropped blazer and my mum got an off white jacket.


After that we went to West field mall to smgiggles. I got a pencil case that had things in there such as ten gel pens ,a notebook,an eraser,a sharpener,a sticker sheet and two pencils . also got a harry potter water bottle and also a thirty pack gel pen.


And that is it BYE!!!!!!!

from: juwairiyyah